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Tag Archives: shopping

Succumbing to the perversion of pre-packaged meat


You don’t know what you’ve  got until its gone ” is rattling around in my head this morning and that is because I am actually rather more, well, distressed  may be a bit extreme, but I am quite bereft to be honest and its all about meat and the things that we hold onto in a quest for some certainty and predictability in our lives. Regular readers may recall that I previously mentioned that the butcher shop that I have been patronising for more than twenty years was to shut forever. well it has come to pass and I find that there is no seamless moving to another purveyor of the fleshly foodstuffs for me. When I did our shopping this week I went into another establishment that I have scoped out as a possible replacement I found the public part of the shop was lined with self serve  cabinets  and most of the meat was pre packaged. After about three seconds I just turned around and walked out profoundly disappointed. Yesterday I had to resort to buying meat from Woolworths   even though I don’t like the way that they package their meat either.

The search will continue until I find a suitable replacement source for the family meat because I just can’t bring myself to continue  succumbing to the perversion of pre-packaged meat. I feel the  need to pick both the precise pieces of flesh that I want and to have it cut and presented as I like it. I don’t know any way to put it but the closure of may favourite Butcher shop has utterly disrupted my conceptions of the culinary arts and its going to take awhile to find that inner peace once again.

In mourning Comrades


Well that is another one….

As I have been recently suggesting the nature of the online environment is changing and one of those big changes is the decline in the acceptability of one having a truly anonymous presence online. With this in mind I was quite pleased to find another example of this trend with the social media app “4square” moving to require real names:

click for source

click for source

Personally I find this entirely unsurprising and I tend to think that before too long people using pseudonyms on the net may be about as acceptable as failing to remove a motorcycle helmet when you go into a bank branch.

Cheers Comrades


Take the pledge

Ah what joy the latte Sippers of the world bring to this aging conservative especially as they bend over backwards to prove with this post that they are absolutely enmeshed in rather puerile group-think. In any event I invite my dear readers to check out this post and be amazed at how 37 (at the time it came to my attention ) of them cut and pasting the same paragraph.
Any one for lamb chops?


This sort of political posturing is rather futile but also rather sadly amusing,
Cheers Comrades

Say No to Tony

“I hereby pledge to do my utmost in 2013 and beyond to ensure that Tony Abbott never becomes the Prime Minister of Australia.

I will engage on the issues, on matters of character and on the facts that demonstrate that Tony Abbott is unsuitable to be Prime Minister of Australia.  I know that any government lead by Tony Abbott, or any government that follows his lead, would inflict deep and lasting damage to the fabric of Australia that we trust and depend upon.  I will expend any and all energies required to ensure Tony Abbott and his values are kept from The Lodge and the government benches in Parliament.”

To take the pledge copy and paste the pledge with your name to the comments below.


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The Ebay dilemma

The item is actually something that I want and I won it for the princely sum of $5 but the seller charged  me $20 bucks for postage  (actual cost of postage $13.45) so really not too much to pay over all for an nice  Autotechnica steering wheel. My dilemma is that this seller stuffed me around a real lot by being really slack about posting the item, flat out lied to me that it had been posted when it hadn’t and then messaged me to ask for my postal address!

My first instinct is to leave this idiot negative feedback and that will ruin his ebay future (where reputation is everything) but then again I find it hard to be so cruel to someone who may be just stupid or otherwise incompetent and not deserving of my anger and wrath. So dear reader do I just let the matter go for the sake of good Karma or do I leave this idiot negative feedback to protect other ebay users from this chap’s  sloth and  sloppiness?

Cheers Comrades

The spare tyre, a weighty necessity or something you can do without?

click for source

Once you get beyond the question of Toyota changing the specification of this car between when buyers have signed the contract and when the car is to be delivered which is bad form in my opinion we come to a question of just how necessary a spare tyre is these days anyway. Tyres certainly do seem to be a lot more reliable than they used to be, heck with my sports car I have never had a spare and even when I have had a flat tyre I found that because of its light weight that I could still safely drive the car far enough to get it fixed. Anyway how many drivers out there have really needed their spare and how many would be happy with an “inflation kit” (spare in a can) as an alternative?
Cheers Comrades

Raid the bones of Elvis

One of the joys of building a special car is the hunt for parts. Given a bottomless wallet it would be easy to just go to the parts shop and buy all sorts of fancy bits and bobs but my budget is far more limited so its a case of catch where catch can. To this end I’m off on a road trip this morning so that I can salvage the brakes off an old 929 Mazda, these have the same stud pattern as the Toyota diff I am using on the Morris and as it is discs all around I’m hoping that  they can be made to fit without too much bother now if only the weather was not so dodgy I would be truly happy.

Just to explain the title, the Mazda was called “Elvis” by its last owner but sadly he has left the building after his second tail-shaft failed and as the owner had discovered that they are made of unobtainim it was clearly time to lay him to rest.

  Cheers Comrades


A lovely time among the fruit and veg

Amritsar's Golden Temple

Yesterday when in my favourite fruit shop I had a most interesting conversation with a charming man and his wife who  asked me if I was an Indian. This surprised me because as a Pom  and a fairly pale skinned one at that, I had never considered the possibility that I could be mistaken for someone from the subcontinent. It turned out that my beard  and my black beanie completely covering my hair  had given him  the idea that I could be like him a Sikh. We had a most jolly discussion about Indian cooking he explained that under his turban his hair was long an I could sense a tinge of regret in his voice when he explained that his beard was like “designer stubble” because his work as a cook meant that his employers preferred it that way. We chatted for a while  about cooking and about the Sikh temple at Goolwa. Both of us left feeling good. I felt afterwards that there can be some real positives to this multicultural malarkey if there is mutual respect.

So after paying for my veg and getting it into the car my day had been considerably brightened by that young man in the turban.
Cheers Comrades

Economy through lightness

I have previously suggested that the future of motoring lays in  reducing the weight and improving efficiency, well blow me down if I didn’t come across a piece in Popular Mechanics that makes  that argument. after a bit of searching I found it on line, click on the link above.


Worth a read Comrades
