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Time for the Warministas to step up

This morning I read the rather amusing Post from Derek Sapphire where he rather cheekily suggested that we sceptics  should demonstrate the harmlessness of Co2 by a sort of total immersion in it or it gaseous sibling Carbon monoxide:

Click for source

 Of course on planet Warminista it is always someone else who has to pay the price for their  faith in the liturgy of Gaia. However it occurs to me that there may just be a way that those truly faithful to the Goddess can make a real difference to our collective future and that would be if they all decided to remove themselves from the problem by a coordinated act of devotion to the Goddess. Yes there have been others who have made the sacrifice for their deity, and their messiahs but they have usually been part of fairly small cults. Profits of the Warminista faith keep telling us that their ranks are legion so just imagine how much of a difference it would make  if they were all to submit to a self sacrifice for the sake of the planet?

Yes Comrades they do have  in their power a way that they can make a real difference to the environment and I’m sure that even if you allow for the emissions of cremation that their over all emissions per capita life time  just have to be less for a short life that ends in a virtious sacrifice to the Goddess  than it would be for along one sipping lattes in the inner city and taking overseas holidays…

Now for those who lack the cahones to take the ultimate step for the glory of Gaia there is another way that they can make a difference and that is to have themselves neutered, I am rather sure that there would be plenty of followers of the faith who would gladly do the deed to their fellows and although this would not be as effective as a total self sacrifice it would have the same effect upon the projected  population growth of the planet.

So to all of you Warministas out there its time to step up and name your poison….

Cheers Comrades

if you truly believe in Gaia


  1. Luzu says:

    I love it! An “elegant final solution…” I’m sure Ziklon B was “elegant” in its day, too.
    Hey, Sapphire, you first. Just think: You could be totally carbon neutral today! Why wait? (I’ll chip in for the lentil burgers and soy lattes at the wake, after we’ve seen you off in the most Gaia-pleasing, eco-friendly way imaginable).

  2. damage says:


  3. damage says:

    It’s not a new phenomenon to demonise skeptics and to call for totalitarian methods to achieve the goals of ghia.

    Lord Monkton has this morning been admonished widely for his use of the Nazi analogy with Ross Garnaut. Even Andrew Bolt has said it is not acceptable, and I would agree.
    However, when warmanistas are calling for skeptics to be asphixiated with a gas – you get what you deserve I guess.

    And the constant use of the term denialist is supposed to analogise what exactly?

  4. thewetmale says:

    Well yes, i believe in man made climate change, so i guess i’d have to call myself a warminista. That said, if i could choose my poison, much in the way death row prisoners get to choose a last meal, i think i’d have to go with a good bottle (or a few) of scotch. You couldn’t help me out with that could you Iain?

  5. Craigy says:

    damage, what do you think about the repeated use of the Nazi term to describe ‘Greens’ and ‘environmentalists’ that Bolt has used many times.

    If Bolt now claims this attack is wrong, why are you not calling him out as the massive hypocrite that he clearly is?

  6. damage says:

    I have never seen Bolt use that term to describe ‘Greens’ or ‘environmentalists’.
    And as you’re not a consumer of Bolt I wonder how you know if he has?
    I have read him suggest that the Nazi party was the first political party to have green policy, but that’s a different thing and is true.
    Garnaut is no Nazi.

  7. Iain Hall says:

    I don’t know about that TWM usually I ask for something of value(in the information category) in exchange for bottles of scotch… As I suspect you are alluding to here, But glad to see that you re willing to step up for the sake of Gaia though… 😉

  8. Craigy says:

    damage, I am not a regular reader of Bolt these days, but when he was in the Hun twice a week I would read him on the train.

    These days I only need to read the headline and first line of his typing and I know what it is about. He has been repeating the same line for many years and never comes up with much that is new, even when his opinion is shown by others to be sad or racist, he will just continue on.

    This is why he ends up in court, his views are very simple and never stand up to questioning by educated, open minded people or by the law when people can be bothered to take him on. He has been convicted once of defamation based on false information….that’s his bread and butter…..

    Projection is a good description of what Bolt often expresses about others. Bolt calling the Greens Nazis is like Mao calling George Bush a communist. He writes racist, un-scientific and insulting columns in our major paper and then blames everyone else for this behaviour. Hypocrite is not a strong enough word for him. Dangerous is probably closer to the truth, because so many fools think he is on the money.

  9. Craigy says:

    Here is one (took about 15 seconds to find):


    And you will find many of them in his heavily moderated blog comments………I wonder why he lets them through?

  10. damage says:

    Sorry Craig the link appears to be a dud so I can’t read it.
    Could you please paste some of the text where Bolt actually calls the greens Nazis?

    However what it appears that you are suggesting is that Andrew Bolt is a Nazi ie Mao was indeed a Communist.

    That’s a very very serious claim and given you don’t comment here anonymously I’d suggest you must have proof of that claim.

    I am appauled that such a well read columnist is a member of a group like the Nazi party and you are very brave, given the pathological resort to violence of the Nazis, to expose Bolt as you have today.
    I intend to email Mr Bolt and link him to your claim so that he realises that we are on to him.

  11. damage says:

    Ok the link came good. Sorry about that. Bolt wasn’t likening the Greens to Nazis in that post Craigy. He was likening Israeli Jews who’s goods are being boycotted to European Jews who suffered a similar fate in the 30s and 40s. Which the Green argument in the post was suggesting.

    Again though good on you for being willing to expose Mr Bolt as a Nazi.

  12. Craigy says:

    In terms of Bolt being a Nazi, I didn’t say that, but he has more in common with them than the Green’s will ever have, that’s why he claims the Greens are like Nazi’s, it’s called projection. Do I have to explain everything to you?

    Bolt is from the far right……you work out the connection.

    The point, if you can focus for more than 10 seconds, was Bolt and others linking the Greens with the Nazi’s. You say you can’t see it in the example, which probably proves the assertion that Bolt readers have poor comprehension skills. I’ll help you out yet again.


    “It may help advocates of this policy – of boycotting the sale of anything made in Israel – if the guilty shops were marked appropriately for the convenience of the conscientious shopper. My friend Michael Danby believes this system of consumer education worked well in the past and could with profit be adopted by the Greens”

    The quote from Danby that he likes so much is this:

    “Jewish Labor MP Michael Danby was perfectly happy to place this proposal in its proper historical context, saying that Marrickville Council could just start painting the Star of David on offending businesses. “

    Anyway, the whole thing is a Bolt beat up as the BDS is not Green policy and individuals with extreme views are not uncommon in any Australian political party.

  13. Richard Ryan says:

    OF course he was promoting Lord Monckton to his beloved bloggers the other day and only 25 dollars to listen to this “media jester” I nearly vomited into my no frills cornflakes, with the comments from his beloved bloggers, such as OH Andrew I wll be there, I would not miss it for the world—– for fxxx sake are these imposters for real!

  14. Luzu says:

    Lord Monckton has apologised for comparing Ross Garnaut’s comments with fascism. Now, I’m waiting for the luminaries mentioned above who wish to tattoo or gas deniers to do the same. Otherwise, all Monckton had to say was “I was only joking”, right? The media beat up of Monckton’s comments was pathetic. Did Jill Singer face such criticism? Did Richard Glover? Why not?

    The debate in Australia is turning feral. The demonisation of those who oppose or disagree with the idea that humans are heating the planet through carbon dioxide emissions has begun. That’s because if you oppose the progressive cause, you’re not just stupid, you’re evil. And we all know that evil people don’t have to be treated politely or even lawfully.

  15. PKD says:

    On an related note I was stopped by someone handing out a Greens pamphlet at the station yesterday. It had pictures of a coal plant and a solar plant on the front, and suggested it was easy to replace the former with the latter. I handed it back and said if they put a picture of a nuclear plant on instead I might vote Green.

    ‘Oh you can’t possibly be serious.’

    ‘why not?’ (troll mode on)

    ‘Not after Japan. All that radiation, it’s a dis-arrster’. (she rolled her ‘R’s…’)

    ‘But that’s because it’s a uranium plant, not a thorium one. That’s clean!’.

    Cue 5 minutes of extolling clean thorium nuclear power to a green who’d never heard of it, much less considered it.

    ‘oh I didnt know about that. I’ll look it up. Thankyou!’.

    You do that dear. So maybe, just maybe, one Greenie will have learnt the world is not black and white…

    (which is one more than you Iain, you neanderthal ideological denialist, you!)

  16. JM says:

    PKD – thorium is a false hope, for two reasons

    1. It’s expensive. I have it on good authority (ie. from someone I know very well who has a lot of money invested in this stuff, and their business – which is a publicly listed company – depends on the accuracy of this statement) that thorium is not economically viable until the uranium price exceeds $250, it’s currently hovering somewhere around $30

    2. It relies on a previously existing uranium based industry, ie. you don’t get to thorium without having a lot of uranium based reactors first. It’s a second order technology and cannot be built without the far more dangerous uranium based technology first.

  17. PKD says:

    Hey JM,
    Yes it’s expensive per MW versus uranium but so are all other alternate energy sources versus coal and oil.

    It’s expensive because of economies of scale; uranium looks at face value cheaper because it’s had 50 years of massive investment to mass productionise it. Given thorium is as you say mate far, FAR safer and easier to handle (no meltdowns!) out of the 2 it is not hard to argue that thorium has the potential to be far cheaper that could ever hope to be.

    2) actually thorium as the lighter element is 4 to 5 times more abundant that uranium -enough to power the world for about 10000 years apparently. And you have it the wrong way round – you can use thorium to produce the heavier uranium via fissile reaction.

    There are 4 countries running thorium reactors at present. China and India are planning to massively expand their programs. We stand to get left behind thanks to short sighted Greens who cannot distinguish between the 2.

  18. PKD says:

    …has the potential to be far cheaper *than uranium* could ever hope to be.


  19. damage says:

    “In terms of Bolt being a Nazi, I didn’t say that…”
    Er? “Bolt calling the Greens Nazis is like Mao calling George Bush a communist….”

    Mao was a communist. Ergo bolt is a Nazi. No other conclusion possible from the quote. And one only projects what one in fact sees in one’s self. (Praps why you are so taken by the failings of a very few Catholic priests. But I digress) Thus you are now reinforcing the statement that Bolt is a Nazi.

    And Jill Singer did call for the extermination of all skeptics – with poison gas. It’s no projection to offer that as an example of the similarity between green and Nazi sympathisers views on decenting voices.

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