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Whatever happened to Kerrimy's Australian Family Lobby?

Is the "Australian Family Lobby" actually dead now?

I know that the AFL  Footy season is pending but this post is about that other AFL, a  creature invented by our learned friend and this missive  was inspired when I received this email.

Hi Iain,
it seems that the AFL was a bit of a flash in the pan.
I subscribe to their mailing list and there has been no correspondence for a couple of weeks.
Following the Broadmeadows By Election where they published a how to vote guide they gushed about how they would be scrutinising all the candidates in the NSW state election on their ‘family friendly ‘ credentials.
Well today is Election Day and not a peep.
(an AFL member*)

You would have to think from this email that my suggestion that Mr Sear’s  creature would be short-lived  is  totally correct, like a shark, once a lobby group stops swimming it probably means that it is dead.

Cheers Comrades

*name withheld by request


  1. gigdiary says:

    That’s a damn shame, Iain, it really is. There were people in the community depending upon this Family Lobby. I mean what are the family pictured on their website, you know, the two men and a dog, going to do for fair representation in the future? Of course they have the same rights as anyone else, not so sure about the dog, but as the AFL has stressed, there is a specific need for a lobby such as this. So I’m sure there’s some discrimination somewhere.

    Maybe it’s because they can’t have babies. I don’t mean adopt them, or rent a womb, I mean they can’t physically have babies. Now that is discrimination.

    I’m also concerned about the pets of the latte-sippers, the iguanas and in-bred designer dogs they seem to prefer. Without the AFL these family members will be regarded as mere pets, animals even. I’m sure you can see a breakdown of family values occurring here.

    To quote another commenter, it’s simply appalling.

  2. Iain Hall says:

    Yes GD Those families need someone to ask the most important questions, like well , “Why doesn’t the government offer free Ky jelly to those that need it? or Who is going to think of the poor adult gamers who hate not being able get graphic and accurate depictions of violence in their video games (even though such games are easy to buy form Overseas via Ebay) but most important, Who is going to go into bat for the poor Kittehs who need house sitting while their slaves go to get their Latte fix?

  3. gigdiary says:

    Iain, you’ve addressed some very important issues here that I clearly overlooked. Certainly the kittehs need support during the day-time hours when their ‘mothers’ are partaking of the latte, but surely the most over-reaching need for a lobby such as this is gaming, most importantly R rated gaming.

    I know you’ll follow this logic. How on earth can we protect young families from the dangers of evil computer games, if we don’t introduce more evil, violent, depraved computer games for them to compare against?

    It should be the duty of all adult gamers to buy R and X rated games in order to make sure that the games children are playing aren’t as bad. As I see it, it is a service to society, and one that will obviously keep our children safe.

    As I said, the logic is flawless.

  4. Iain Hall says:

    Well I must confess GD is that I have bought two games from O/S and making sure that I got the most adult versions possible, (Just as research mind you 😉 ) But I think that it makes no difference in the eating to be honest. Well at least not in the game that I have already played (Mafia II)

  5. gigdiary says:

    I would too Ian, if I played such games, but my point, and I’m sure yours is, that hiding this behind a family friendly lobby is absolute bullshit. It is nothing more than self interest parading as concern for children.

    And that should be X-rated.

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