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What does Anzac Day mean?

(By Ray Dixon)


Believe it or not, today the Herald Sun has seen fit to photoshop the captains of Collingwood & Essendon AFL teams in front of Melbourne’s Shrine of Remembrance.

Worse still, they’ve then stuck the Anzac logo over the pair.

FFS, it has nothing to do with Anzac Day!


  1. deknarf says:

    About as crass as you can get! But then, what more can you expect from Australia’s msm?

  2. Iain Hall says:

    Its not the general attitude of most papers Deknarf so lets condemn the specific sin and not brand all media with the same iron.

  3. Ray Dixon says:

    At least the Hun didn’t put these two in front of the Shrine. But that’s probably only because Wellington NZ (where the game is being played) doesn’t have one:

    Go Saints!

    Btw, there were an estimated 40,000 people @ the dawn service in Melbourne, which is only half the number who will be at the MCG for the ‘Traditional’ Anzac Day clash between Collingwood & Essendon. I guess the H-Sun knows its market.

  4. Iain Hall says:

    The dawn Service has become big all around the country Ray and in a very organic way without an extensive propaganda effort from government. Its a far cry from the days of my youth when Anzac day was seen as something of a “war lovers” celebration and something of an embarrassment. Personally I don’t do public shows of patriotism but every year I listen to the radio broadcast of the service and I am thankful that we seem to have got a good balance in the way that commemorate those who have been killed fighting for this country without being too Gung ho or too blasé about it. It shows admirable maturity if you ask me.

  5. Richard Ryan says:

    At least the Sun-Herald did not put it’s pin-up boy, the one who told us the war was won and over in Iraq, Andrew Bolt, dressed in his flak-jacket, in the safety of the “Green Zone”. and he hates the Greens—snigger-snigger.

  6. Iain Hall says:

    Richard can you learn a new song please?

  7. Ray Dixon says:

    the days of my youth when Anzac day was seen as something of a “war lovers” celebration

    I still believe it is, Iain.

  8. Iain Hall says:

    but that is not by any stretch of the imagination the general perception any more Ray.

  9. Ray Dixon says:

    No, it’s not. And just imagine the hype that will surround the day in two years time, 2015, which marks the 100th anniversary of Gallipoli, an event that should never have taken place. It’s right that we honour the fallen, Iain, but I think we overdo it.

  10. Iain Hall says:

    Not compare to say the USA where patriotism is a much bigger deal every day of the year, rather than just for one day in April.

  11. deknarf says:

    Given the performance of the media at the moment, I’m more than happy to condemn the whole bunch Iain!

  12. Simon says:

    There’s two picturesque sites in Wellington that could have been used, the Cenotaph outside parliament http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wellington_cenotaph or the National War Memorial http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_War_Memorial_%28New_Zealand%29 . Neither are as large as the Shrines in Melbourne or Canberra, but what in New Zealand is?

    ANZAC Day for me is a morning of remembrance with a relaxing afternoon and an evening of wishful thinking followed by disappointment at the trans-Tasman rugby league international.

    I have noticed that in New Zealand the morning focuses a little more on the loss experienced by the country from wars – in particular the 1.64% of the population in WWI, and what those brave young men might have achieved. Whereas Australia is a little more concentrated on Mateship and the solidarity of dying together.

    Mentions of “They fought for our Freedom” always makes me cringe unless prefaced about talking of the Pacific War in WWII.

  13. GD says:

    the days of my youth when Anzac day was seen as something of a “war lovers” celebration

    I still believe it is, Iain

    Ray, do you really believe that the resurgence of commemorating Anzac Day is due to it being a ‘war lovers’ celebration?

    Do you really believe that our younger generations embrace the honouring of their forebears’ sacrifice because they are ‘war lovers’?

    Were you one of the protesters (albeit a young one) who spat upon returning Vietnam soldiers on their return?

  14. Richard Ryan says:

    What about that big heap of shit, “shit-face” Piers Akerman called Vietnam Vets” baby killers”—why not him GD—-or some of those politicians who f*cked off to England, like Dolly Downer. GD, fell for the big lie on Vietnam,” red-hoards from the north” myself was never called up, if I was, would have told them to get f*ucked. Work-mates who were called up, told me they got doctors certs, stating they were suffering from one disease or another, but find that hard to believe. And others, like my cousin who went there, is now a drug-addict, and all for what? PS. Ray, I don’t think GD the Muslim Hater likes you, Ray,keep stirring the guitar man up—-it is music to my ears, giggle giggle.

  15. GD says:

    Go back to bed, Richard, and try to take some more thorazine or whatever it is you’re on. You’re an embarrassment to both the Greens and the Labor Pardy (Gillard speak).

    On the other hand, keep up the good work, you’re a great reason for people to vote Liberal next election. 🙂

  16. Ray Dixon says:

    One of the main reasons for the ‘resurgence’ of those atttending Anzac Day services is the fact we have a lot bigger population than 40 years ago – about double.

    And no, GD, I didn’t spit on any soldiers … and your inference is offensive.

  17. Richard Ryan says:

    I am spitting green crud’s at GD’s comments on my moniter— take that wanker,oh gee, my monitor is covered with green spit crud’s.

  18. Ray Dixon says:

    Was GD even in the draft, let alone the army?

  19. Richard Ryan says:

    Does GD own a pressure cooker?

  20. GD says:


    I am spitting green crud’s at GD’s comments on my moniter— take that wanker,oh gee, my monitor is covered with green spit crud’s.

    You’re only hurting yourself, Richard. My monitor(s) are sparkling clean.


    Was GD even in the draft, let alone the army?

    Were you Ray? In fact what has that got to do with it?

  21. Ray Dixon says:

    You raised the issue of soldiers returning from Vietnam , GD (by insultingly implying I spat on them), and yet you don’t have the balls to answer the question. Yes, I was in the draft, were you?

  22. Richard Ryan says:

    Ray, Bingo! Was GD a draft dodger?

  23. GD says:


    Yes, I was in the draft, were you?

    No, I missed by a year.

    Would you have gone?

    So by supposedly being in the draft, as opposed to actually serving in the army, you claim some sort of authority for your leftard opinions of Anzac Day?

    I’ll ask again, ‘would you have gone?’

  24. Ray Dixon says:

    I registered for the draft, GD, and that means I actually applied to be enlisted. The ballot merely determined whether my enlistment was required. Your comeback is a piss weak, convoluted and plain twisted retort. I repeat: You threw the ‘spitting on soldiers’ insult. You can apologise any time you like. Might be a good idea if you did it straight away instead of waiting 24 hours to respond this time.

  25. Richard Ryan says:

    Like Howard, “SORRY” is not
    in GD’s vocabulary.

  26. Ray Dixon says:

    He only responds in the early hours of the morning, Richard. After he’s had a few.

  27. Richard Ryan says:

    He is doing a Ray Hadley—–gone sobbing to his mate Iain—-saying Ray Dixon is been cruel to him, methinks GD is a “protected species” on Iain Hall’s SANDPIT.

  28. GD says:

    Might be a good idea if you did it straight away instead of waiting 24 hours to respond this time.

    Unhappy with my once-a-day responses are you Ray? I’m sorry, but Iain doesn’t pay me enough to be on call 24/7. 🙂

    As for the other apology, perhaps you could start by apologising for the muslim and aborigine hating, racist slurs and accusations you’ve constantly thrown my way. All without substance or proof.

    Then again, don’t bother, I’m not a weak, lily-livered leftist apologist who is offended at the drop of a hat. I’m not a pusillanimous opinionated pug who dishes it out, but can’t take it when the favour is returned.

    your move

  29. Ray Dixon says:

    The proof of your racist remarks, GD, is right through this blog. No one doubts it. But your ‘spitting on soldiers’ insult had no foundation and was only made because you’d been outpointed in an argument. As was your entire last paragraph. You’re the one who can’t take it, buddy … obviously.

  30. damage says:

    Accusing the other guy of being on the booze early in the morning, is however, an acceptable debating tactic???????????

  31. Ray Dixon says:

    He has admitted to that in past exchanges.

  32. damage says:

    Bull shit.

  33. Ray Dixon says:

    So you’ve trawled back through the whole blog archive, damage? Look mate, if you don’t know something then don’t be stupid enough to pretend you do.

  34. damage says:

    I call Bull Shit Ray. You were losing the argument so you called “He’s pissed!!!”
    No further required.

  35. Ray Dixon says:

    Brilliant summation, damage. Yes, there’s no further required … from you. I’m glad you’re butting out.

  36. damage says:

    Yes bull shit is no place for me.

  37. Ray Dixon says:

    You’ve had a bad day. I suggest you quit while you’re behind and go to bed.

  38. GD says:

    So you’ve trawled back through the whole blog archive, damage?

    He would have had to to find that comment 🙂

    Ray, you are really clutching at straws to use my self-admitted night on the piss five years ago as a slur against my capability to counter your arguments.

    As for the time of day I comment, that is none of your business. I comment when I see fit, because it is my business.

    btw I didn’t accuse you of ‘spitting on soldiers’, I asked if you did. 🙂

  39. Ray Dixon says:

    I didn’t suggest you were pissed, GD – it was just a little joke. But you came in here from the outset with your insulting question/accusation that I spat on soldiers. Since then you’ve continued to obfuscate and insult, when any decent person would have simply retracted that slur, apologised and moved on. Too late – don’t bother now.

    As for the time of day you comment being always and (lately) only in the very early hours of the morning when there’s no one else around, it’s a bit like leaving your responses on slips of paper under the door overnight instead of facing up to those on the other side. A little cowardly perhaps?

  40. damage says:

    I suggest that your attitude to ANZAC day is not far from the said spitting.
    Making those comments here is “like leaving your responses on slips of paper under the door overnight instead of facing up to those on the other side” why not make them in the front bar of the local RSL on ANZAC day rather than here when all the blokes who didn’t avoid their chance to go to S.E.A are away from their PC and marching with their colours?

  41. Ray Dixon says:

    What “attitude” to Anzac Day are you talking about, dumbage?

    The point of my post was the disrespect paid to it by the H-Sun’s stupid photo. Apart from that I’ve expressed no opinion that could be termed an “attitude”.

    Slow day, dumbage? Need another fight, huh? Why don’t you just get back to work?

  42. damage says:

    at least I have some

  43. damage says:

    Back on track sorry.
    You clearly stated that you believe ANZAC to be a “war lovers” celebration.

    No less respectful attitude is possible about the day.

  44. Ray Dixon says:

    No, I didn’t say that. You don’t comprehend very well do you? Here’s the link to the comment (to save you scrolling up):


  45. damage says:


    “………..the days of my youth when Anzac day was seen as something of a “war lovers” celebration.”


    “I still believe it is, Iain.”

    I comprehend just fine.

    You still believe it is a war lovers’ celebration.


  46. Ray Dixon says:

    I still believe it is “seen as” a war lovers’ celebratiion. Obviously you failed Comprehension @ school.

  47. damage says:

    I call Bull Shit again.
    You’re backtracking.

    Iain’s next statement stated “……….but that is not by any stretch of the imagination the general perception any more …….”

    To which you replied.
    “No, it’s not.” (…the general perception any more ….)

    But now you are saying you “still” do believe it is (….the general perception…)?????

    The only way to read the statements is that you believe it is a war lovers’ celebration, but agree that not many others agree with you.

  48. Ray Dixon says:

    I never said it was “the general perception”. You’re reaching, and putting words in my mouth.

    As usual, you’re just itching for a fight but, quite frankly, you’re a lightweight.

    Go away.

  49. GD says:

    Well done, damage. Thank you.

  50. Ray Dixon says:

    Well done for what, GD? For supporting your insult that I spat on soldiers?

    And once again you sneak in at 4 am or thereabouts to make your responses and then you disappear. It says a lot about your courage.

    It also says you’re not worth debating.

    So in future, would you mind staying off my posts?

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