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Love and other bruises

IRAN has freed a woman convicted of adultery who faced being stoned to death like her male partner whose execution by stoning last year caused international outrage, her lawyer said today.

Mokarrameh Ebrahimi, who had spent a total of 11 years behind bars, was released from a prison in the city of Qazvin last night on the orders of Iranian judiciary’s amnesty commission, lawyer Shadi Sadr said.

She was freed along with the son she had conceived with her partner Jafar Kiani, whose stoning in July 2007 was carried out by the local authorities in apparent defiance of the central judiciary.

Under Iran’s Islamic law, adultery is still theoretically punishable by stoning, which involves the public hurling stones at the convict buried up to his waist.


While we can all feel some sense of relief that this poor woman has been freed after having spent the last eleven years under sentence of death, I cant help feeling angry and disgusted that the theocracy in Iran should have the power to intrude into the lives of it’s citizens with regard to the people that they fall in love with.

As anyone who has ever been deeply smitten will tell you, logic and social convention will not stop such liaisons, and the danger may in fact even add to the frisson that fuels the adultery. That is however by the by because such matters should never be part of the criminal law and making it so only serves to degrade and belittle us as human beings, but then that is the stock in trade of the sort of religion that wants to impose itself into every aspect of daily life. So perhaps that faith has likewise to be resisted, at least until it is reformed enough so that it no longer demands death to the people who fall in love inappropriately.

Cheers Comrades



  1. ganselmi says:

    Regime change NOW!

  2. Iain says:

    Absolutely right Ganselmi

  3. PKD says:

    Sure, but wasn’t it Iranians who kicked the Shah out and rejoiced at the return of the Ayatollah?

    Given the Iranians kicked out the moderate Shah and allowed the radical Islamists in, then the Iranians can kick out the radical Islamists liewise. In that, I wish you luck Ganselmi.

  4. ganselmi says:

    The Iranian people will push back one day and it’s not going to be a good day for the Islamists.

    But, they do need our help. It need not come in the form of smart bombs or “coalitions of the willing” but for the West not to give up in the region in the face of adversity today, and certainly not to compromise long-term strategic goals (including permanent security for Israel) for short-term “gains” or over hopes of “reform”.

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