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The richest voters in Australia are not Liberals but Greens.

I heard a great interview on the ABC’s counterpoint program the other day about the demographics of your average Greens supporter.

Former ALP Senator John Black suggests that green voters don’t conform to the popular stereotype. His research company has studied the demographic data and he offers a radical reappraisal of their attitudes and voting preferences. The richest voters in Australia he says are not Liberals but Greens.

ABC Radio National

It certainly made me feel that my characterizing  them as “latte sippers” or as “Silvertail socialists” is entirely right and proper.

Anyway it is worth a listen, especially for  any Labor voters out there who feel the need to jump ship (in the voting sense) because or the ineptitude of the current government. You can be sure that despite their rhetoric the Greens will always serve their own constituency (the rich) before they serve the the needs of the working class.

to hear the streaming audio.

What Black has to say about how the Silvertails have moved into the inner cities , displaced the working class people who used to live there and driven up house prices certainly makes a mockery of those who will keep insisting that the fault lies with a piffling government subsidy to first home buyers.

Anyway listen to the piece and be informed and amused.

Cheers Comrades