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Home » World Events » England » Jon Venables, 27, is accused of downloading 57 indecent images of children between February 2009 and February this year.

Jon Venables, 27, is accused of downloading 57 indecent images of children between February 2009 and February this year.

Our touchy feely friends form the left keep insisting that every criminal should in the first instance be rehabilitated and then returned to live in the larger society. I want to believe that people can be redeemed but when you read stuff like this it begs the question of just what do we do when someone has committed a most brutal crime if they re-offend?

One of two men convicted as children of killing British toddler James Bulger 17 years ago has been charged with possessing and distributing child pornography.

Jon Venables, 27, is accused of downloading 57 indecent images of children between February 2009 and February this year.

He is also charged with distributing seven indecent images of children between February 1 and 23 this year, the Press Association reported.

Venables was recalled to prison in February after being accused of breaching the terms of his licence.

If the charges are upheld then just how should he be treated? As a man on a life time licence I think that should these charges be proven then the only appropriate course for the courts is to throw away the key, and to weld the door of his cell shut forever.
Cheers Comrades


  1. PKD says:

    I’m surprised you’re not calling for his execution Iain – perhaps you are going soft in your old age?

  2. Iain Hall says:

    Well PKD had he actually abused any children I might well have done so but revoking his licence for the rest of his natural seems adequate to me. The Daily Mail is suggesting that he could face a ten stretch. But even you have to ask if he deserves any sort of second chance given the horrible crime he first committed and the despicable nature of the crime that he has to answer to now.

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