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Jag V12 Bike


5.3 litre V12 Jaguar engine

What is it?
It’s a 5.3 litre V12 Jaguar engine I had lying around, which was left over from building a trike. After a few drinks one night, I decided to build a motorcycle out of it. It has two turbos from Peugeot diesel engines, fed by two 1.75″ SU’s. Just about everything else is built from scratch. It has single-speed transmission, which means you only have a clutch – no gears, no neutral. When you’ve got twelve cylinders and 300+ horsepower at 400ft/lbs+ of torque, you really don’t need the gears so much. All the manifolds are made from stainless, as is the exhaust. The gearbox is a middle gearbox from an XS1100. The clutch and pressure plate are from a Land Rover 110, and the release bearing is a hydraulic concentric from a TD4 Freelander. The front end and rear wheel are from a GPZ1000RX. In Back Street Heroes, it was stated that I’d had the thing on the road for 200 squids, but after running it for a while this has increased – as I knew the bike worked, I started to put some new parts on it. It’s had a new heavy-duty battery, a new heavy-duty clutch, a new front tyre, and a couple of other odds and ends.

Visit my website at http://www.custommettle.co.uk for build photographs, and maybe some from the shows. You’ll probably also be able to find a few people talking about it on forums – people have shown me the discussions around the bike, but the addresses escape me. Maybe you’ll be able to find them if you run a Google search.

Jagged Edge will get you admission to most bike shows for free entry for two people. Who knows, you could even win some money – I know I have, along with several trophies including “Best Engineering” at NABD, “Best Alternative” (second place) at the Bulldog Bash, and “Highly Commended” at Builth Wells. It doesn’t matter what show you put it in, people are falling over themselves to take photos, sometimes so much that you can’t even get near it. It’s a lot of fun to just stand near it and listen to people’s reactions; some gems are “He must have arms like a baboon’s, and a bum like a limpet.”


Wow Comrades !


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