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Home » Blogging » Blog roll call » The Eagle has Landed, or I’ve been tagged because I make someone think.

The Eagle has Landed, or I’ve been tagged because I make someone think.

One of the bloggers who I have been following for some time is Legal Eagle . Her’s is the sort of blog that gives you a meaty meal that you just have to think about, digest and consider. It is with great pleasure that I can say here that she has finally made the jump and moved her blogging to WordPress; the links to her on this page have been updated and if she Is on your bloggroll, dear reader, please do likewise.

Now one of the nice little things that has been popping up on several blogs has been the “five blogs that make me think” Meme and I am flattered to have been tagged as one who does. However this now means that I have to pass the baton so to speak and it is not really that easy to pick just five.

Here are the rules of participation for those of you I’ve tagged:

  • if, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think
  • link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme
  • optional: proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ logo with a link to the post that you wrote

As a person who has been reading blogs for a couple of years I have read thousands of different WebPages and many are dismissed in just a few seconds however I do enjoy Mark Richardson’s OZ Conservative. Mark seems to focus on gender role issues in his blog and always writes well considered pieces that seem to get right up the noses of the Feminist’s out there in blog land and I commend his calm detachment and considered responses to anyone who comments there.

Darlene Taylor writes an amusing page which has of late concentrated on posts about popular culture in general and Comedy in particular. Darlene wears her heart on her sleeve with her blogging and I can’t help but find her blog amusing. She makes me think about how the comedy is the mirror of our society

I have to admit that I know very little about theoretical physics and string theory is rather beyond me but I do love the wit and charm of Luboš Motl. It probably helps that he is a fellow Climate change sceptic who seems to be able to find some rather good snippets of information and presents some great counters to the prevailing scare mongering from the AGW paradigm purveyors.

I know that I have a reputation as a creature of the right, but I actually enjoy reading what the other side has to say and one of my daily stopovers on my regular “blog crawl” is the “Dead roo” a collective blog with a distinctive lean to the left. I seldom agree with the slant that its authors take on the issues but I do appreciate “doing battle” there in the cause of seeking the truth so I think that it clearly makes me think.

For the final of my five I have to nominate A Western Heart. This is a collective blog of an entirely different flavor to the Dead Roo. The lads there are mad bad and dangerious to know 🙂 but I like their no bullshit approach to what ever issue that they make grist to their mill . They are courageous enough to stand up for our western  society and tradition, which they vigorously and cheerfully defend.

Finally I want to offer a most honourable mention for all of the other fine blogs on my blog roll. I don’t add a site to my list unless they are actually deserving, no matter what the topic of the blog is.A member of my blog roll has to be a site that makes me think so If your blog is there you too can take a bow.


  1. kg says:

    Congratulations! Well-deserved, I reckon. 🙂

  2. Iain says:

    thank you for that Keith

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