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Dayboro Day 2010

Updated with a slide show of pictures taken of the parade 🙂 over the fold

Its that time of the year again when Dayboro has its annual street festival and this year I am going with my lovely daughter , or rather I am taking her there so she can hang out with her mates while I find something to occupy myself with. We are going to go pretty early so hopefully we can find a parking spot that is not too far from the action.
Cheers Comrades

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  1. jodie miller says:

    See you there!

  2. Ray Dixon says:

    Looks good but it’s slowing down the download big time, Iain. I use thumbnails when I post photos of the Bright Parade (which is just a little bit bigger than Dayboro’s by the look of it).

  3. Iain Hall says:

    Sorry about the down load time Ray but I wanted to try out the new WordPress slide-show feature. I’ve put it “over the fold” so that it will only slow down the page for the post in question now.
    The day has just gone from strength to strength over the last decade They close of the mains street and you literally had to struggle through the crowds.

  4. Ray Dixon says:

    That’s fixed it. Yes, it looks a lot like the Bright Parade – full of locals waving to locals. The difference being that in Dayboro’s case it’s probably meant to be more of a community event anyway and that’s fine, whereas Bright’s is meant to be aimed at tourists, but doesn’t cut it.

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